so it's a year what.
this is of Elizama, Carlos Mendez, Brianda, Alejandro Diaz, Fat Boi (Jose Ventura) and Jorge Zapata.
Try and guess who's from which street block by their hand signs.
Sorry about the shit quality of the pics but I took them on the last length of my mom's borrowed camera's battery right before I gave the print to some of the students in it, AND the camera is also a fucking piece, so there was no way the pic was going to turn out clear, but whatever. Good thing for you I just got a new camera so I'll be able to take pictures that aren't half blurry. Sweet what a luxury!
also, check out my new blog for my students at
i'm using it to post the pics of my students that i've taken over the years, it's mostly for my eighth graders who are graduating but i'm also going to put pics of my other students as well.
fucking love those kids man.
sick rina!